Eggs Mimosa (Devilled Eggs)

Theme for the weekend – green is for Christmas. With leaves and eggs and all things nice.

I love how this recipe mimicks the Christmas season, what with the lovely basil garnish looking like fallen leaves as well as grated egg that makes the plate looks like it’s filled with snow (though the green leaves still don’t really make sense together with it but… oh well). This recipe also works very well as a party snack because it’s bite-sized and delicious. I’m sure it’ll get cleaned up pretty quickly because it’s really yummylicious!


  • Egg: 6
  • Avocado: 1
  • Extra virgin olive oil: 1/2 tbsp
  • Salt: to taste
  • Ground blackpepper: to taste
  • Basil leaf: 1 handful, finely chopped


  1. Boil eggs for 15min till hardboiled. Leave to cool for 15min.
  2. Deshell and halve 5 of them. Scoop out yolks and place yolks into a mixing bowl.
  3. Combine yolks with avocado, olive oil, salt and ground blackpepper. Mash into a smooth paste.
  4. Scoop paste into a piping bag. Pipe back into egg whites. Place onto serving plate.
  5. Grate last egg to sprinkle over devilled eggs.
  6. Garnish with basil leaves to serve.


  • To save time, simply use a spoon to scoop the paste back into the whites without the piping bag. It wouldn’t look as nice but if you can’t pipe well (like me), it would end up looking pathetic too!

10 halved eggs (4 – 5 persons)

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