Seafood Soba Noodles

Sometimes, after a hard day at work (or a not so exciting day which makes it very difficult to trough through the long hours), a bowl of noodles is all it takes to let me wind down and relax.

My favourite is, without doubt, instant noodles, and dry ones at that with loads of chilli paste. But injecting a little bit of variety into the noodles, such as switching to a totally unfamiliar types of noodle could make the process of anticipating the end of the day slightly more exciting.

Soupy noodles isn’t really my cup of tea, because it makes me perspire (especially on a hot day) and I hate feeling all bloated from drinking the soup. Unless.. we are talking about soggy noodles, then that’s a totally different story, because soggy noodles are my faaaavourite. Imagine a bowl of soup noodles with no more soup because the noodles have soaked everything up. That’s going to be so nice, and soggy good. Mmmmm….

But here we are talking about a bowl of soba noodles with seafood stock, mirin and tuna flavours. It’s really delicious, and makes a good pairing with the noodles. I couldn’t help but take in the stock sip after sip until everything was gone.

Lovely bowl of indulgence. Happy weekend 🙂


  • Water: 500ml
  • Tiger prawn: 6
  • Clam: 6
  • Mussel: 6
  • Baby kailan: 100g, washed
  • Soba noodles: 2 packs (400g)
  • Tuna flakes: 50g
  • Spring onion: 1 stalk, chopped
  • Sweet mirin: 20ml


  1. Bring water to a boil. Poach tiger prawns, clams, mussels & kailan quickly till cooked. Remove and set aside.
  2. Use stock to cook soba noodles (about 1min). Scoop into serving bowls.
  3. Add tuna flakes including oil, spring onion and sweet mirin into stock. Simmer for 5min.
  4. Place seafood and kailan on top of noodles. Pour stock into noodles to serve.


  • This is an adaptation of the ‘Maggie Mee’ recipes that came from The Sunday Times dated April 2007.

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