Freshly Baked Brioche Buns In All Shapes & Sizes

I recall attending a baking workshop at the Brettschneider’s Baking & Cooking School back in 2019 (that long ago?!) I had specially selected a brioche baking class as it was a type of bread that I have been wanting to do well for the longest time. Apparently, brioche is tricky because of its high fat content (think butter slabs) and as such must be kneaded and developed thoroughly enough. Using a mixer helps to ensure that the kneading process can be done properly without all the oily mess on the kitchen countertop.

But it is precisely because of the high egg and fat content that makes brioche such a lovely, fragrant, soft bread to bite into. The teacher also taught us how to make a custard using the Mustafa brand vanilla paste which can be used to as a filling to make brioche tarts (and that tasted amazing!) I’m not very sure why I couldn’t replicate the exact taste and texture of the brioche at home using the recipe that I brought back with me though. Am therefore giving Don’s recipe a try – it worked – lovely!

The baking class was scary by the way. Everyone there seemed to be some sort of regular patrons of the school. They knew where the mixers and utensils were kept, they could bake and knead very well, they knew how to turn on the stove etc. I seemed to be the only one who was struggling with every single step of the way, and that’s coming from somebody who cooks at home EVERYDAY.

Gosh, baking classes are scary. Let’s try something else next time.


  • Strong bread flour: 400g
  • Instant dry yeast: 11g (1 sachet)
  • Caster sugar: 60g
  • Milk powder: 8g (1 tbsp)
  • Salt: 6g (1 tsp)
  • Egg: 4, small (200g only)
  • Cold water: 70g
  • Softened butter: 140g
  • Egg glaze: 1 egg


  1. With a dough mixer, blend together bread flour, instant dry yeast, caster sugar, milk powder and salt.
  2. Add eggs into mixer, then cold water. Mix at low speed for 1min. Change to medium speed and blend for 5min till half developed.
  3. Add butter gradually into mixer. Continue blending for 10min on medium speed till developed. The dough should be stretchable, leaving a slightly sticky but stretchable texture when handled.
  4. Transfer onto dusted surface. Round up and place in airtight container. Leave to proof for 1hr till doubled.
  5. Divide into 12 pieces. For each piece, remove 1/3 portion of dough and mould into small balls. Mould the remaining 2/3 portion of dough into big balls. Place large balls into paper baking cups. Make an indentation in the centre of the large balls, and press the small balls down onto the large balls. It should look somewhat like a gourd.
  6. Prove 1hr till doubled.
  7. Brush top of buns with egg glaze.
  8. Preheat oven at 190 degrees Celsius. Bake brioche for 12min till risen and golden brown.


  • This recipe was kindly adapted from Don Yong’s Celebrity Chef’s Cookbooks: Bread Winners.

  • I made all sorts of shapes and sizes using cookie cutters for fun and it worked so well!


  • Teacher’s advice of the day: the best way to make French toasts is to use either freshly baked or stale brioche. Try it to decide for yourself!

12 small brioche buns

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