Rice Dumpling a.k.a. Dragon Boat Festival

Rice Dumpling Ingredients

It was a tag-team effort: I cooked the rice and prepared the ingredients; he wrapped up the dumplings and secured them with strings. Nevertheless, the collaborative effort took an entire day before we could wrap it up.

Tying Up A Rice Dumpling

Having had zero experience at making this traditional dish, I approached the task with trepidation, until my significant other told me he knew exactly how to wrap the dumplings. I was equally impressed by his ability to manipulate the strings with perfectly nimble fingers and secure them around the bundles. ‘It must be in the middle of all the 3 corners’, he said. It took me a long while to locate that ‘middle’ point.

I finally know what hidden talent this guy has.

P.S. This blog was due about 3 months ago.

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  1. Pingback: Teochew Rice Dumpling To Unwrap The Dragon Boat Festival | Hungry Peepor

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