家常便饭 – 猪肉焖马铃薯 (Potato & Meat Stew)

The second week of school and work is finally over. It was kind of crazy, and I almost fell sick running (or rather, cycling) all around the central parts of Singapore. But all in all, I’m so glad that things went well, and the boy enjoyed his school and student care a lot, and he seems to be learning well and making friends in class as well. Hopefully, Covid constraints do not penalise these children too much and take away too much of what they deserve to have and experience as part of school life; hopefully we do not take any more steps back to how it used to be one or two years ago.

I am also, on my part, trying to work around the new routine and cooking dinner dishes which are more manageable in the evening (after having to go back to office to work, cycling to and from home / student care). This dish is easy to prepare beforehand, though it does take about 15min to boil and cook the potatoes nicely. Nevertheless, it’s a one pot dish which has all the carbs, vegetables and proteins all in, so I do not have to worry about cooking another dish. And I especially like cooking dishes with dark gravy sauce because it goes so well with the rice!

This recipe, if I don’t recall wrongly, was adapted from my secondary school Home Economics textbook. And we might actually have cooked this during one of the lessons as well, although I can’t recall if I did like what I cooked before or not (most likely not). Those were the days – of wearing an apron and headscarf to cook and bake. Whoever still does that at home??

Lovely memories, that’s what some dishes can bring back to us. I hope you can retrieve lovely memories through this dish as well. Enjoy!


  • Pork loin: 100g, cubed
  • Plain flour: 1 tbsp
  • Salt: 1/2 tsp
  • Ground white pepper: a pinch
  • Oil: 2 tbsp
  • Onion: 1, small, finely chopped
  • Shaoxing wine: 1/2 cup
  • Water: 200ml
  • Dark soy sauce: 2 tbsp
  • Fish sauce: 1 tbsp
  • Carrot: 1, sliced
  • Potato: 1, quartered or cubed


  1. Marinate pork with flour, salt and white pepper.
  2. Heat oil in saucepan. Fry onions till translucent.
  3. Add pork and fry till light brown. Deglaze with shaoxing wine.
  4. Add water, dark soy sauce, fish sauce, carrot and potato. Bring to a boil.
  5. Leave to simmer for 20min till potatoes are softened.
  6. Serve hot with rice.

3 – 4 persons

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