Medieval Style Pan-Fried Steaks

I don’t usually eat beef or steaks because they taste too gamey for me. The rare occasions when I do is when we eat shabu shabu or when we go to the grills to cook the expensive slices of steak. Hahaha yes, I only eat the expensive cuts of beef, but really, that’s because these cuts are not as gamey in taste – the kind that melts in your mouth, literally. I am otherwise a heartlander at heart.

Which is why I rarely cook steak or any beef at home, and my blog posts rarely have any beef-related recipes too. Yet I can’t deprive the two boys at home of the food that they like, and the younger boy – I always believe that children should try out as many different types of food as they can so that they can discover all sorts of tastes and flavours for themselves. So here it is, my pan-fried steak recipe, home style, with homely flavours and standard. Definitely not the coal-grilled kind you will find in a steak restaurant, but still nice and warm and juicy, with an attempt to inject some medieval tastes. 🙂

I hope you will all like it too!


  • Steak: 3 thin pieces of steak (wagyu, ribeye or sirloin)
  • Oil: 2 tbsp + 2 tbsp
  • Salt: 1 tsp
  • Ground blackpepper: 1 tsp + extra
  • Red wine vinegar: 1 tsp
  • Orange juice: 1 tbsp
  • Red wine: 2 tbsp
  • Ground ginger: a pinch


  1. Brush steaks with 2 tbsp oil.
  2. Sprinkle with salt and blackpepper on both sides of steaks.
  3. Heat 2 tbsp oil in pan. Place steak on pan and cook till browned (about 1min).
  4. Turn steak over. Continue cooking till browned and desired doneness is obtained.
  5. Remove steaks from pan. Leave to rest for 14-15min. Slice into thin slices.
  6. In the meantime, add red wine vinegar, orange juice, red wine, ground blackpepper and ground ginger into the sauce remaining in the pan.
  7. Leave to simmer till thickened. Remove from heat and pour into serving bowl.
  8. Pour sauce over steaks to serve.


  • It is important to remove the steak from the pan and leave it to rest so that the heat can continue to cook the meat, without it being overcooked if left to continue cooking in the pan.

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