Roasted Salmon Fillet With A Medieval White Wine Sauce

Take a Salmond, and cut him rounde, chyne and all, and roste the pieces on a gredire;
And take wyne, and pouder of Canell, and drawe it thorgh a streynour;
And take smale myced oynons, and caste there-to, and let him boyle;
And then take vynegre or vergeous, and pouder ginger, and cast there-to;
and then ley the samon in a dissh, and cast the sirip theron al hote, and serue it forth.
(Harl. 4016. p. 102.)

This recipe is surprisingly delicious. I mean, after attempting so many recipes from the medieval cookbook, there are hits and misses, possibly also due to the fact that there are a lot ingredients that are not so commonly used nowadays. That and the fact that tastebuds and preferences have changed and evolved over time, so we aren’t really so used to the traditional palettes anymore.

I love how the salmon is grilled with its skin on, such that its skin is grilled to a perfect crisp. Lovely. It’s a must try.

Happy weekend to one and all, and may the rest of August be at peace.


  • Salmon fillet: large (about 300g)
  • Butter: 1 tbsp
  • White onion: 1, small, finely chopped
  • Fruity white wine: 3/4 cup
  • Ground cinnamon: a pinch
  • White wine vinegar: 1/4 tsp
  • Ground ginger: a pinch
  • Spring onion: 1 stalk, chopped


  1. Brush salmon with butter. Place on a grilling rack.
  2. Grill 15min bottom side up first.
  3. Turn over once to skin side up and brush with butter. Continue grilling 15min till skin becomes crisp.
  4. In the meantime, cook onion with white wine & ground cinnamon in a saucepan.
  5. Add white wine vinegar & ground ginger. Boil and remove from heat.
  6. Spoon sauce on top of salmon.
  7. Garnish with spring onions to serve.


  • This recipe was kindly adapted from ‘The Medieval Cookbook’ by Maggie Black.

2 persons as side dish or 1 person as main entree

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