Carrot & Honey Bread Full Of Sweetness & Love

I absolutely love the sweetness in this bread. The taste is very refreshing, definitely pleasing not just for the adults, but also for the children’s palettes. There isn’t a hint of the yeast at all, so all you taste is very natural flavours from the boney and carrots.

The dough did not fully develop when the mixer finished its churning, strangely. But this time round I stuck strictly to the recipe and refused to add in anymore flour than I had to. It was possible this time with my magic scrape and a well dusted surface. I also religiously followed the timing and the remaining steps in the recipe including the timing of the mixer, and the result was a sweet happy ending.

I will definitely make this bread again soon!


  • Bread flour: 450g
  • Milk powder: 15g
  • Bread improver: 7g
  • Instant dry yeast: 9g
  • Salt: 9g
  • Honey: 70g, liquid form
  • Carrot juice: 260g, cold
  • Unsalted butter: 35g, softened at room temperature
  • Carrot: 90g, grated & chilled


  1. Using a dough hook, blend together bread flour, milk powder, bread improver, instant dry yeast & salt on low speed.
  2. Add honey & carrot juice into mixer. Mix on low speed for 2min, then on medium speed for 5min.
  3. Gradually add in butter & grated carrot. Mix on low speed for 7 – 10min till developed.
  4. Transfer dough onto dusted surface. Round up with both hands. Place in airtight container. Leave to rise 1hr till doubled in volume.
  5. Divide dough into 2 x 480g each. Round up and leave 15min.
  6. Press dough & roll out, then roll back and mould into a cylinder.
  7. Grease loaf tin. Place dough into tin, seam side down. Proof 1hr till doubled in volume.
  8. Bake at 200 degrees Celsius till top is browned.


  • The original recipe called for the dough to be divided into 3 loaves, which I did but found the loaf to be too small for my loaf tins. If your loaf tins are small, you can keep to 3 loaves, but if you have big tins like mine, you can do 2 big loaves instead.


  • This recipe was kindly adapted from Don Yong’s Celebrity Chef’s Cookbooks: Bread Winners

2 medium-sized loaves

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