家常便饭 – 肉末蒸蛋 (Steamed Egg With Minced Pork and Tofu)

I love simple food like this – just a bowl of plain rice with a simple side dish, made with simple love and minimal effort. It’s the tastiest comfort food one could ever get from anywhere in the world.

My mum can make this dish a lot tastier than I can though, and I wonder what she adds in her version. And she uses the rice cooker to steam this instead of a wok, as it’s more convenient for her (also because she needs to steam fish in the wok). I can’t use the rice cooker to do so as mine is a much smaller (mini) rice cooker so even though it has a steamer compartment at the top, I can’t insert a plate or bowl big enough for my steamed egg, not unless I do a mini bowl of steamed egg that’s fit for an ant.

For now, let’s enjoy this version for the weekend. If you’d like an even simplier version, you can refer to my other Chinese Style Steamed Egg recipe which I did five years ago.


  • Minced pork: 100g
  • Silken tofu: 150g, mashed
  • Sesame oil: 1 tbsp
  • Fish sauce: 1 tbsp
  • Water: 1/3 cup
  • Salt: 1/4 tsp
  • Ground white pepper: a dash
  • Egg: 3, beaten
  • Fish sauce mixture: 1 tbsp sesame oil + 1 tbsp fish sauce + 1/2 tsp sugar
  • Spring onion: 1 stalk, finely chopped


  1. Combine minced pork with silken tofu, sesame oil, fish sauce, water, salt and white pepper.
  2. Pour beaten eggs over minced pork mixture. Cover with film wrap.
  3. Steam 15min.
  4. Scoop fish sauce mixture over steamed egg.
  5. Garnish with spring onions to serve if desired.


  • I forgot to add the spring onions to take the pictures with!

  • The cling wrap was supposed to be used so that water does not drip into the bowl and create dimples in the steamed egg. Mine still did though :I

3 persons as side dish

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