Stir-Fried Brussel Sprouts

I wanted to do something without hassle this weekend. Brussel sprouts fit the bill just nice – a vegetable that remains stranger to our taste buds, yet is easy and uncomplicated to handle.


  • Brussel sprouts: 10, washed, halved
  • Cold water: 1 cup
  • Salt: a pinch
  • Butter: 2 tbsp
  • Red cooking wine: 1 tbsp
  • Red onion, 1/2, chopped
  • Orange juice: 1 orange
  • Orange zest: 1 orange
  • Preserved orange peels: 1 tbsp (or any other preserved fruits)
  • Pine nuts: 1 tbsp
  • Olive oil: for garnish


  1. Place sprouts faced down on a saucepan.
  2. Add water, salt and 1 tbsp butter to the pan. Boil on high heat till most water has evaporated.
  3. Add remaining ingredients and butter to the pan. Stir-fry for 1 min.
  4. Garnish with remaining pine nuts. Drizzle with olive oil before serving.


  • Boiling the sprouts first to soften them will help to enhance the flavours since that makes them absorb the juices more easily.
  • Using red onions will help to add contrast and hence enhance the colours of the dish.
  • As much as some people hate eating brussel sprouts fresh out of the packet, I personally think they can be crunchy and palatable, if served with a nice dressing.

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