Cheat Treat Of Cheesy Baked Instant Noodles

Baked Noodles with Cheese & Ham 3

Baked Noodles with Cheese & Ham 2

Instant noodles taste nice cooked in whichever method is accessible and with whatever ingredients are available. In fact, instant noodles are probably the best ingredient to have at home because one can blindly add in whatever leftovers from the fridge and still churn out a yummy plate of noodles that will not go wrong on an empty stomach.

Here I am using instant noodles as the basic carbohydrate of my baked noodles (in place of spaghetti) to create a simple noodle casserole. Topping it off with many slices of processed cheese slices is the way to go to end off an especially busy and hectic week.


  • Koka Ezy-Cook noodle: 5 packs (375g)
  • Ham: 20 slices, diced
  • Sweet corn: 1 can, liquid reserved
  • Milk: 1 cup
  • Butter: 1 tbsp
  • Chesdale cheese slice: 6 slices
  • Ground blackpepper: to taste


  1. Preheat oven at 180 degree Celsius.
  2. Cook noodles in boiling water for 3min. Drain and place in baking tray.
  3. Top with ham and sweet corn.
  4. Heat milk and butter in saucepan.
  5. Mix in liquid from sweet corn. Pour evenly into tray of noodles.
  6. Place cheese slices on top of noodles.
  7. Sprinkle with ground blackpepper.
  8. Bake for 15 min till slightly browned.
  9. Serve hot.


  • This is an adaptation of the ‘Maggie Mee’ recipes that came from The Sunday Times dated April 2007.

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