家常便饭 - 麻油鸡 (Sesame Oil Chicken)

Sesame Oil Chicken 3

Sesame Oil Chicken

For those of you who are familiar with Traditional Chinese Medicine and Chinese practices of recovery for a mother who has just given birth to her baby, eating sesame oil chicken with loads of ginger and rice wine helps to replenish the worn out body with the necessary nutrients after birth; at the same time, it ensures that excess wind gets expelled from the body so that it does not stay within to cause bloatedness.

I was very deprived during the days when I served my confinement period after the little munchkin was born. I couldn’t eat many different types of food, I wasn’t supposed to touch cold drinks and plain water (yes, but I still did) and because my wok was the non-stick kind, my nanny refused to fry sesame oil chicken for me for fear of scratching and damaging its surface – even after we assured her it was alright.

A year later, I recall this inkling sensation of deprivation and decided I should just cook this dish for myself, perhaps because I have sufficiently recovered from the trauma of being confined (literally). It shouldn’t differ too much from the usual braised chicken recipe, except that the tastes of sesame oil and ginger would be much stronger in this one.


  • Sesame oil: 8 tbsp
  • Old ginger: 15 slices
  • Whole chicken: 2 kg, chunked and cleaned
  • Light soy sauce: 2 tbsp
  • Oyster sauce: 2 tbsp
  • Rice wine: 2 cups


  1. Heat sesame oil in wok.
  2. Add in ginger slices and stir-fry till fragrant.
  3. Add in chicken, light soy sauce and oyster sauce. Stir to mix.
  4. Add in rice wine. Leave to boil on high heat for 10min.
  5. Serve hot with rice.

Sesame Oil Chicken 2


  • As a confinement food for the recovering body, this dish is supposed not to have the sauces added in as any form of saltiness could retain wind in the body. Leave them out of your recipe if you are eating this dish for good reasons!

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