Take a Salmond, and cut him rounde, chyne and all, and roste the pieces on a gredire; And take wyne, and pouder of Canell, and drawe it thorgh a streynour; And take smale myced oynons, and caste there-to, and let … Read more
Tag Archives: Wine
My Very Own Version Of Christmas Sangria Blanca
The word ‘sangria’ originated from the Spanish word ‘sangre‘, which means ‘blood‘. This word was used to name the alcoholic beverage ‘Christmas Sangria’ which commonly uses red wine and chopped fruits among other ingredients. ‘Sangria’ therefore makes specific reference to … Read more
Wine Jelly Dessert (Auch Weingeleegenannt)
My first taste of wine jelly was amazing; almost heavenly. Wine jelly is made of gelatin, sugar and wine, the last of which is the ingredient that renders its taste so special and memorable. Apparently, this is a type of … Read more