I love this dish – a lot. Its chewy texture and its stir-fried combination with minced pork and mushrooms – it is so fragrant and yummy it is simply unresistable. Every time I visit a local pasar malam and walk … Read more
Tag Archives: Yam
My Family’s Favourite Durian (& Yam) Snowskin Mooncakes
It’s all gone. The durian snowskin mooncake that I took pains to knead and roll and mould. My goodness, how is it possible that everyone around me (with just one exception) loves durian so much?
Teochew Yam Rice (潮州芋头饭)
I fondly recall my favourite stall at the canteen during the period of time when I was attending secondary school. I can’t remember what the main dishes were that were sold at the stall; what I do remember is that … Read more
Yam Paste Dessert Or What Teochews Call ‘Orh-Nee’
It’s been my favourite dish at wedding dinners. I always save my stomach for this last dish whenever I see its name pop out on wedding menus. Yummy yum yum… the savoury taste of (dialectal) roots – literally!
Flour Power Teochew Steamed Yam Cake
A colleague was telling me about how her mum makes yam cake for her whole family. It’s a massive effort, involving not just a lot of chopping but also a lot of arm strength to stir the yam paste. I … Read more