Baked Spaghetti Omelette

Spaghetti Omelette 2

Spaghetti Omelette

This spaghetti omelette is an uncomplicated (perhaps lazier) alternative to the authentic Spanish frittata, the latter of which involves much more effort and skills (to flip the omelette one way and the other) than the former. It is also a good way to make use of any leftover spaghetti in the fridge to churn out a simple yet refreshingly different meal that contains everything you need in one pan.


  • Olive oil: 2 tbsp
  • White onion: 1 big, chopped finely
  • Leek: 2 stalks, roots and leaves removed, sliced finely
  • English parsley (or spring onion): 1 stalk, chopped finely
  • Bottled mushroom cream sauce: 350g
  • Mixed herbs: 1 tsp
  • Spaghetti: 400g, cooked
  • Egg: 3, beaten
  • Grated nutmeg: to taste


  1. Preheat grill.
  2. Heat oil in frying pan. Add onions and fry till softened.
  3. Add leek and fry 3-4 min. Switch off heat.
  4. Add in parsley, mushroom sauce, herbs and spaghetti into mixture.
  5. Stir till mixed. Then pour eggs in, spreading it evenly across the mixture.
  6. Turn heat on again. Use stirrer to press the mixture down firmly.
  7. Cook over medium heat for 4 – 5min till almost set.
  8. Transfer to a baking pan. Grate nutmeg over mixture.
  9. Place in grill to cook for 5 – 8 min till surface becomes golden brown.
  10. Leave to cool for 5 min. Cut into wedges to serve.

Spaghetti Omelette 3


  • If you’ve got a large built-in oven, there would be no need to transfer the mixture into a baking pan; simply place the whole frying pan into the oven to grill the omelette till it’s nicely browned.


4 – 5 persons

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3 Responses to Baked Spaghetti Omelette

  1. sub says:

    Will you cover chinese economy noodles in the future ? The one with dark soy sauce and bean sprouts ?

  2. cllism says:

    Hi Sub, not sure if you are referring to this: That’s the only Chinese economy noodles I know of.

  3. sub says:

    Oh wow, I’ve never noticed that. Thanks my dear. I need to try that next week !

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