Pickled Fragrance In Chinese Olive Fried Rice

Olive Fried Rice

It’s a very simple dish to prepare and cook, especially since the pickled black olive vegetables could be easily purchased off the shelves of supermarket. The best part about using these bottled pickled vegetables is the oil contained within. Using this oil to fry the ingredients is the key to churning out a good old pot of fragrant Chinese olive fried rice.


  • Olive oil (from bottled olive vegetables): 4 tbsp
  • White onion: 1, chopped finely
  • Chili padi: 6, chopped finely
  • Minced pork: 500g
  • Dark soy sauce: 1 tbsp
  • Pickled olive vegetables: 1 cup, deseeded
  • Cooked rice: from 6 cups of uncooked rice
  • White pepper: to taste


  1. Heat up olive oil in wok.
  2. Fry onions and chilli on low heat for 2 min.
  3. Add pork & dark soy sauce into wok.
  4. Cook meat on low heat for 3 min till pieces become crumbly.
  5. Stir in olive vegetables, followed by rice and pepper.
  6. Stir constantly, till rice is mixed in with the rest of the ingredients.

Olive Fried Rice 2


  • To enhance the flavour of the minced pork, mix in 2 tbsp cornstarch, 1 tbsp fish sauce & 2 tsp sesame oil before cooking.

5 – 6 persons

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