Take a Salmond, and cut him rounde, chyne and all, and roste the pieces on a gredire; And take wyne, and pouder of Canell, and drawe it thorgh a streynour; And take smale myced oynons, and caste there-to, and let … Read more
Tag Archives: Medieval
Medieval Pork Rolls
Tartlettes. Take pork ysode and grynde it small with safronn, medle it with ayren and raisons of coraunce, and powder fort, and salt; and make a foile of dowhg and close the fars thereinne. Cast the tartlettes in a pan … Read more
Pan-Fried Trout With Mash Potatoes
I love this dish so much! The presentation looks lovely, and the dish was so delectable! It was also light on the stomach and filling enough for both the big and small eaters.
Medieval Style Pan-Fried Steaks
I don’t usually eat beef or steaks because they taste too gamey for me. The rare occasions when I do is when we eat shabu shabu or when we go to the grills to cook the expensive slices of steak. … Read more
Medieval Mushroom Pasty
It’s coming to the end of the year soon. Which also means that it is going to be Christmas soon. (Yippee!)